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Composite Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of COMPOSITE is made up of distinct parts or elements. How to use composite in a sentence.

Composite material - Wikipedia
A composite or composite material (also composition material) is a material which is produced from two or more constituent materials. [1] These constituent materials have notably dissimilar chemical or physical properties and are merged to create a material with properties unlike the individual elements.

COMPOSITE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
COMPOSITE definition: 1. something that is made of various different parts: 2. a material made up of more than one…. Learn more.

COMPOSITE Definition & Meaning |
a composite drawing; a composite philosophy. Botany. belonging to the Compositae. Compare composite family.

Composite - definition of composite by The Free Dictionary
Define composite. composite synonyms, composite pronunciation, composite translation, English dictionary definition of composite. adj. 1. a. Made up of distinct components; compound. b. Made by combining two or more existing things, such as photographs. 2. Mathematics Having factors;...

COMPOSITE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
COMPOSITE definition: composed of separate parts; compound | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Composite - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms -
A composite is something made up of complicated and related parts. A composite photograph of your family might have your eyes, your sister’s nose, your dad’s mouth, and your mother’s chin. Composite comes from the Latin for "putting together." It can be used as a noun or adjective.

Composite - Wikipedia
Composite character, a character in an adaptation of a work formed from two or more characters from the original work; Composite monarchy, a category for several countries under one ruler; Composite motion, in parliamentary procedure, created by assimilating multiple motions into one; Composite order, in architecture, a type of capital on a column

COMPOSITE - Definition & Translations | Collins English Dictionary
A composite object or item is made up of several different things, parts, or substances. Galton devised a method of creating composite pictures in which the features of different faces were superimposed over one another.

Composite material | Construction, Strength, Durability | Britannica
Composite material, a solid material that results when two or more different substances, each with its own characteristics, are combined to create a new substance whose properties are superior to those of the original components in a specific application. The term composite more specifically refers.




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