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Singleplayer Practice - Is the AI any good? - TripleA Forum
While the AI has been much improved and it is a very interesting tool, also fun to play, by giving it some good bonuses, and very valuable for current and future games having AI only players in the mix, as far as practicing for learning goes, the skill difference between the AI and a very good player on any games is still too big for the AI to ...

I Can't load a save Game - TripleA Forum
I'm quiet new into this triple A world and a little bit old for technical matters on computers.. Anyway, I got a bug at first during a game and as I don't know how tu submit report I decided to save my game..but when I tried to click "open save game" I don't have the option to click "play" afterward.

New dice server - TripleA Forum
These dice are terrible. Me and my brother play the board game version of A&A. We NEVER get so many total misses on throws like we do in Triple A's Marti Dice. Last night, i had my go, my units missed 3 rounds of throws. I had 2 fighters and 3 infantry. My brother had a tank and 2 infantry.

An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Trying to play Triple A today, but every time I log on, I get the following image. The game still acts like I can play though, so when I go to to join a game, it still acts normal until the game starts. When I go to do anything in the game though, I receive this message and can see I was disconnected in the chat:

Triple A Rules for Revised Tournaments | TripleA Forum
The default style of play shall be PBEM (play be email) and/or PBF (play by forum). Of course, if both players prefer, live gameplay is certainly allowed, but if not, PBEM / PBF shall be the standard. Given the preponderance of live gameplay at TripleA, it is worth highlighting that PBEM / PBF is really easy.

Edit mode, tool or gamefeature | TripleA Forum
For competitive play it probably works at cross purposes to the idea of the computer being the ultimate tournament judge, with the final shot call and strictly enforcing the phases and order of play. I think there's probably room for stuff like edit etiquette or different strokes for different folks, depending on if it's like war club style or ...

Bids system still here? | TripleA Forum
I cant help with the map your after, I dont play A&A board games or for that matter TripleA equivalents. To play my map you need 2.6 as only 2.6 has the new 'isAI'. I will post later re editing on GitHub

Glitch in "Play Local" - TripleA Forum
@GearDoc2021 said in Glitch in "Play Local": I am running Windows 10 Update Version 2021-01. The Triple A Version that I am running is 2.5.22294. I have a new PC and searched for JAVA and found nothing. I downloaded JAVA version 8 update 281 and am having the same problems.

#1: Trout (Axis) vs. VictoryFirst (Allies) | G40 House Rules Expansion ...
I found some time this weekend to analyze the previous game and am smarter about the Triple A mechanics now from the help you and Beelee provided. So I am game for another tussle now! But my son who goes by Mussolini Pizza Emperor would like to play also.

The War Club | TripleA Forum
SPECIFIC UNITS that you have to learn through play: a. Long range bombers: US/JAPAN/UK. They not only move 8 and attack @ 5 and can bomb, they give artillery support to supportable units if used in combat! Cost 18. b. Battle Carriers: US/JAPAN. They are two hit repairable units.




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