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Umpire-Empire is the leading discussion forum for baseball umpires of all levels. Come join the discussion!

2025 and 2026 Baseball Umpire Manual - High School - Umpire-Empire
mask, outside protector, put feet right behind catchers feet and wear base shoes, cheap shin guards, and hold your hand over the tallywhacker area just like those new guys at umpire schools are shown doing, since u are working directly over and behind catcher, and or, go behind mound and guess on line calls. just wear basketball officiating ...

2025 NCAA Rules Test Thread - Page 4 - Collegiate - Umpire-Empire
The umpire will determine that the copies are identical, keep one copy and give the other copy to the opposing team’s representative. The umpire now is officially in charge of the game, and the lineups are official. The #2 answer leaves out the determination that cards are identical (verified) and then given to coach (exchanged).

How to properly complete a pivot at 1st base - Umpire Mechanics ...
Also, ball-bag-umpire is kinda being shown the door as it forgets one of the key elements...the runner. This play is one of those examples, as the runner is usually going to slide to the outfield side if there's a play at 2B, which means that U1 is going to be blocked by being outside.

2025 NCAA Rules Test Thread - Page 3 - Collegiate - Umpire-Empire
Runner on second base (R2), two outs. B3, the offensive team’s best hitter, is the next batter. As B3 arrives at home plate, the catcher tells the home plate umpire that they wish to walk B3 intentionally. At the same time as this conversation, R2 takes off for third base and is safe without a throw.

Here's a couple to share... - Ask the Umpire - Umpire-Empire
Finally, the umpire warned him after a pitch that was his second strike. With the pitcher, catcher, and umpire in place, Mr. Cool kept on Mr. Cool-ing. Mr. Umpire stepped out and used the mechanic @Richvee just described to ring him up on the delay call. Yes, it did result in ejections from the "batter being offended."

Scorer interaction with umpire (high school)
It is acceptable to ask the umpire what the count is. It is the responsibility of the umpire to count balls and strikes (NFHS 10-2-1), but on rare occasions, they'll ask what the scorer has for the count on the batter, so it is good to always have these facts at hand. The more organized a scorer appears, the more credibility they'll have.

+POS is back and Re-launching! - Umpire Equipment - Umpire-Empire
HDPE can also hold a cast shape more effectively. So, as it applies to umpire chest protectors, you'll notice that the All-Star Cobalt CP plates are more shapely, better defined, and look more like MX / BX (cycling) body armor, where body-conforming shapes, and "low profile" (ie. no bulk) is heavily desired.

NFHS Rules 10 Commandments - Free For All - Umpire-Empire
Asked some guys to put together the NFHS Rules 10 Commandments; the foundational things which underpin many of our rulings. When you get a complex situation, what are the mantras that help us untangle what has happened? These are NOT umpiring mantras, nor are they mechanics related. These are pur...

Filming - Ask the Umpire - Umpire-Empire
If there is a reflection or distraction by said camera then the umpire can order that it be removed or relocated. I have had this occur with still photographers taking photos from behind the fence in CF but, they chose an angle that was causing problems for those at the plate and they were re-located.




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